Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cookies vs Snow

The ultimate question on today's agenda: do I venture out into the storm to get me a cookie? One itty, bitty, little cookie? Normally that would never be a thought in my mind. Most people know how much I loathe driving in the snow. But when that little cookie turns into a Smart Cookie, nothing else matters. Driving in 3 inches of snow? Piece of cake. If you have ever eaten a Smart Cookie, then you will know what I'm talking about. This glorious work of art is a must have. 

My only problem was that I didn't just stop with 1 cookie. Nope, didn't even stop at 2. I ended up with 18 cookies. Yes I said 18 cookies. Perhaps that was a little over board for a craving, but I knew if I went back to work without extras, I would have to sneak them because they would be coveted by my friends. And I would possibly have to share, and at this point, that is not a word in my vocabulary. Especially not when the item is so valuable. So I was a nice friend and bought a few extras. But just a few. 


  1. MY FAVORITE!!! Last week when I went and got one - they still had snowflakes. It looks like they jumped the gun in making the flower cookies again, with the weather we are having today :\

  2. LOOKS GOOD! Never heard of SMART COOKIES! Where do you get them? Looks like something I should try...... yum...

  3. I've never heard of them either but they look delicious!

    Congrats on joining the blogging world!
