Thursday, March 3, 2011

More Posts About Baby J

I had a Dr. appt on Monday & after measuring my belly my Dr. tells me,"I want to do another ultra sound next week... no wait, let's do it today. No, next week." Of course I have no problem with this since I love getting to watch Baby J move all over the screen (what proud parent wouldn't), but the curiosity in me over rides & asks why. Stupid. His answer: You are measuring bigger than normal so I want to see how big he is. Ohhh-kay... that is something I want to hear when I'm already feeling HUGE and I know it's going to get worse before it gets better. So I kindly "reminded" him that I'd had an ultra sound at the specialist 4 weeks prior and that they measured Baby J then. He was like "Oh yeah I forgot! How'd that go?" Umm... you're the Dr.. shouldn't you keep track of this stuff? Me: Everything was perfect & he is normal! So he pulls up the report & says "His brain ventricle is normal size.. blah blah blah" like he didn't even hear me. Um hello I'm not just talking to myself.. yet... or maybe I am. Who knows. So anyway (yes I am a rambler) the Dr says that he was measuring 5 days ahead of schedule back on Feb. 1st, and that he's even bigger now. YAY. My pipe dreams of having an 8 lb baby just flew out the window for sure. So the Dr. decided that he will do another ultra sound at 32 weeks to check on Baby J's size then. At least I have a strong, healthy baby, right?! Even if he does look like this when he's born?
(Some random picture I found of a 14 lb baby born in 2007)

1 comment:

  1. OH. MY. HECK!!! I can't even imagine. Don't worry my dear - it'll never happen.
