For all my adoring fans, there's still no news on the Southern front. Today, I'm over due by 2 days. Not my idea of fun. My Dr said he'd induce me on Tuesday, which will be 41 weeks.
I got a lesson today that just because you're having a 10 lb baby does not make it a medically necessary reason to induce right then. I wanted to ask him "medically necessary to whom?!" But I didn't. I just said ok and went along with it. BOO. Trust me, I've tried asking him every appointment for 2 weeks now. My current state shows how well that's gone, huh.
I think my Dr is trying to set a record of how big he can get this baby before I have him. I'm going to guess he's 10 lbs 7 oz at birth and 22 inches long.
I had a dream the other night that this is what Baby J looked like size wise when he was born.
I think that would hurt. Just a little.
I really hope Baby J isn't that big! And I'll be hoping and praying that he comes sooner than Tuesday!