Tuesday, August 30, 2011

3 Months

Baby J hit his 3 month old mark today. He's growing like a weed!
 Height: 25 1/2 inches
Weight: 15+ lbs (I can't get an exact number on my scale at home, but it's at least 15 lbs)
He's already grown out of his 3-6 month clothes (except his pants). We're moving in on 9 month size shirts! Seriously! I think this kid eats in his sleep when I'm not looking.
 Likes:Smiling, laughing, playing with Turdell his turtle, playing peek a boo, blowing raspberries, kicking and moving like a madman, and sitting up for short periods all by himself.
Dislikes: Being on his tummy AT ALL.
Favorite past time: Pooping all over mom during dad's Dr's appointment. Awesome.


  1. He is stinkin' adorable! And SO BIG! He's sure to pass up Hannah soon. I LOVE his "madman" kicking and moving. So cute!

  2. jamie!!! baby j is gorgeous. you guys made a cute baby. what a sweetheart. i need to see him again. how scrumptious.
