Friday, December 16, 2011

5 things

I saw this on my sister in law Jessica's blog. I have nothing new to blog about, so I opted for this.

Five Things. List 5 things we don’t know about you, 5 things you’re knowledgeable about, 5 things you know nothing about, and 5 things you believe.

5 Things you don’t know about me:
  1. I almost went on a mission. Almost. But I didn't.
  2. My office is a pig-sty and it drives me batty. Yet I do nothing to fix it.
  3. I really don't like chocolate. Except in a Reeses peanut butter cups. I hate strongly dislike plain chocolate chip cookies. And I could NEVER eat a plain chocolate candy bar. YUCKY.
  4. I have been going to college since 2000 and I don't have a degree. Yet.
  5. I did a stint at beauty school. I say it that way because it was a torture chamber for normal girls. I left after a year and didn't graduate.
 5 Things I'm knowledgeable about:
  1. Social Work. I've spent way too much time at my job, and all sorts of information has stuck around in my brain. Not that I'm complaining. I love my job (most days) and want to do it the best I can. So I learn stuff.
  2. Being a smart aleck. :) I've been practicing this for the last 30 years and I think I have it down pretty good.
  3. Organizing things. Pretty much most things. But that doesn't mean I actually keep things organized. I learned from my mom who is the queen organizer. If you don't believe me, check out her pantry.
  4. The proper way to clean a bathroom. As a child (and teenager especially) I was lucky enough to have the instructions typed up and taped inside of my bathroom cupboard so in case I forgot, I could have a gentle reminder. ;) <3 ya mom. (If you don't get this, see answer #2)
  5. Love. I have learned over the years that there are a lot of different ways to love, be loved, show love and love others. Love is an amazing thing.
 5 Things I know nothing about:
  1. Geometry. I can understand Algebra & all that junk very easily. My brain understands how x can equal 342, but if you ask me anything about how to find the surface area of a triangle, you'd get a blank stare as your answer.
  2. Cars. This is pretty surprising since my whole family (minus my mom) has a lot of knowledge about cars and their parts. Even my sister. I'm the black sheep of the family.
  3. Computers or how they work. 001010011100101 means nothing to me.
  4. Decorating my house. It's plain and boring (and full of clutter). I hate it! However, I am getting a fun picture frame for Christmas from Derek and I am super excited to have it on my wall! It's only taken living in my house for 8 1/2 years before I put up a picture frame.
  5. Microsoft Excel. And I don't want to learn. 
  5 Things I believe in:
  1. That people have the ability to change themselves for the better. But they have to sincerely put forth the effort to make the changes happen.
  2. That everyone needs a little therapy in their lives at some point.
  3. That Heavenly Father does listen to us and loves us.
  4. That things happen on God's time and not ours. I may believe in this, but I don't necessarily like it.
  5. That love alone doesn't solve all problems. It takes work, hard work, to make your life the best it can be.

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