Since I'm LAME and have been MIA for several months now (despite receiving some poking and prodding from a few of you), here's a catch up post.
Little man cut 2 teeth and is currently working on his 3rd, 4th and 5th teeth. Yes, lucky us.
I finished school for Spring semester. (I wish it was forever). BUT... I PASSED Biology enough to never have to take it ever ever again (hey a C- counts for something). And I'm VERY close (2 classes left) to getting my Associates degree. YAY! 13 years of school to get an Associates. I'm amazing. But 1/3 of my Bachelors is completed as well. That darn Biology got me 4 times before. It's amazing how many times you can actually FAIL Biology without them taking pitty on you. Apparently I didn't make it far enough. Oh well. C- BABY! My lowest grade ever and I could care less!
I'm still working. Forever working. With cases that go on a mile long. Seriously, if stupidity weren't a natural thing I'd be out of a job. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Who knows. I haven't decided.
Summer semester started today. I still haven't finished signing up for all of my classes. Ugh. It hurts to think about going to school again.
The little man turns 1 in 3 1/2 weeks. WHAAAAT?!?!? Where did my baby go?! Yes this makes me cry. Out loud. VERY LOUDLY.
Other than that, we are pretty much the same. I'll post a few more updates over the next little while before I go full speed back into school.
Other than that, we are pretty much the same. I'll post a few more updates over the next little while before I go full speed back into school.
Thanks for the update! Congrats on passing Biology! I can't believe Jason is already almost 1--crazy! Good luck with his teething! :)